Single Blog Page Settings

Follow the steps below to set up the single blog page:

  • Go to Appearance > Customize
  • Go to “General Settings.”
  • Go to the “Single Blog Page.”
  • Add “Heading for Related Post” for the related post section header on a single blog page if you want to replace the default text.
  • Check or uncheck “Enable Related Post” to enable or disable the related post section on a single blog page (Pro only).
  • Check or uncheck “Show Author” to enable or disable post-author meta on a single blog page (Pro only).
  • Check or uncheck “Show Date” to enable or disable post-date meta on a single blog page (Pro only).
  • Check or uncheck “Show Category” to enable or disable post category meta on a single blog page (Pro Only).
  • Check or uncheck “Show Tags” to enable or disable post-tag meta on a single blog page (Pro Only).
  • Check or uncheck “Show Comment” to enable or disable post-comment meta on a single blog page (Pro Only).
  • Upload and add a link for the “Top Ads” image and link if you want to add an advertisement image to the top of a single blog page. (Pro Only)
  • Upload and add a link for the “Bottom Ads” image and link if you want to add an advertisement image to the bottom of a single blog page. (Pro Only)

Now click on “Publish” to save your settings.

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