Adding custom widgets to the home section

Make sure to set up the front page as Setup Front Page here to display custom widgets on the homepage.
Please follow the steps below to add custom widgets to the home page section.

  • Go to Appearance > Widgets

There is a 3-section dynamic sidebar for home.

  • Home Content Block #1
  • Home Content Block #2
  • Home Content Block #3

This placeholder is used to add custom widgets to display on the homepage.

And there are three home sidebars for each home content block, respectively.

  • Home Sidebar #1
  • Home Sidebar #2
  • Home Sidebar #3

To add custom widgets, you can go to the dynamic sidebar listed above and click on the plus icon to add widgets.

  • Search for WalkerPress widgets in the widget list, and just as default, drag and drop the widgets as per your requirements and setup options, and save the widgets.

Our Custom Widgets:

  • WalkerPress: Popular Post
  • WalkerPress: Latest Post
  • WalkerPress: Custom Header
  • WalkerPress: Single Category
  • WalkerPress: Double Category
  • WalkerPress: Three Category
  • WalkerPress: Newsletter
  • WalkerPress: Social Media

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