Blog settings

Follow the steps below to set up the blog’s features:

  • Go to Appearance > Customize
  • Go to “Theme Options.”
  • Go to Blog.”
  • Choose the blog layout as per your requirement: full width, left sidebar, and right sidebar as shown in the image given.
  • Set the excerpt length for the blog excerpt text.
  • Add “Read More Text” to the Read More button of blogs.

More features are enabled for premium users:

  • Choose “Post View Layout” to display the post layout as per your requirements.
  • Check or uncheck “Show Author” to enable or disable author meta on posts or blogs.
  • Check or uncheck “Show Date” to enable or disable the date meta on posts or blogs.
  • Check or uncheck “Show Category” to enable or disable category meta on posts or blogs.
  • Check or uncheck “Show Tags” to enable or disable tag meta on posts or blogs.
  • Check or uncheck “Show Comment” to enable or disable commenting on posts or blogs.

Now click on “Publish” to save your settings.

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