Adding News Focus/Ticker Section

Follow the step below to set up the news focus/ticker section:

  • Go to Appearance > Customize
  • Go to “General Settings.”
  • Go to “News Ticker.”
  • Check or uncheck “Enable News Ticker” to enable or disable the news ticker section.
  • Check or uncheck “Enable News Ticker all over the site” to enable or disable the news ticker section all over the site.
  • “Choose Focus News Layout” of the news ticker
  • Add a heading to the news ticker (only for layout one)
  • Add the post number “Item to show” to display on the ticker.
  • “Choose Post Type” to display posts
  • Latest Post > Display post from the latest post
  • Select Category > Display posts from the selected category
  • “Select Category” > Choose the category here to display the post on the news ticker.
  • “Choose Position” > To switch the ticker section (Pro Only):
    – Below featured section > This display ticker section is under the featured section.
    – Above featured section > This display ticker section Above the featured section

Now click on “Publish” to save your settings.

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