Recent posts settings

Follow the steps below to set up the Recent Posts section on the home page:

  • Go to Appearance > Customize
  • Go to “Theme Frontpage Setup.”
  • Go to “Recent Posts.”
  • Check or uncheck “Enable Recent Posts” to enable or disable the Recent Posts section on the homepage.
  • Add headings or descriptions accordingly to be shown on section headers and short info.
  • Select “Choose Post Type”:
  • Latest Post > Display the latest post from all posts
  • Select Category > Display the latest posts from the selected category.
  • If you go with the “Select Category” option, select the category that you want to display posts from.
  • Add “Read More Text” for Read More Text.
  • Add “View All Text” to the View All Posts button label.
  • Add “View All Button Link” to link the button to the blog list page.

Now click on “Publish” to save your settings.

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